Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Toasting - Part of a Bigger ACT

“The strongest and sweetest songs yet remain to be sung.” - Walt Whitman
With all the gatherings, and perhaps some eating and drinking going on, toasts are often just a simple “Cheers!”, and while that is okay to hear and say, a toast can still be simple, and yet be part of a bigger ACT!

If you want to feel good about your presentation, allow your guest(s) to know you care, and set the mood for the experience, consider using the following to take ACTion with the toast:

A – Acknowledge the reason you are together
C – Connect the event with other feelings or thoughts (2-4)
T – Talk specifics

An example for a work event is:

Tonight we are here for our holiday party!

This party is to appreciate you, celebrate the year we have had, and look forward to sales and service in the future.

Thank you to each of you for your work, thank you to our customers and clients, and thank you in advance for a great 2012!

Cheers, and enjoy the party!

Something for Hanukkah is:

Today we are together to celebrate Hanukkah!

Hanukkah is about reflecting on what we have, showing appreciation for the abundance that we don’t expect, and about gathering and being together.

So, here is to the delicious meal we are about to enjoy, for the health and well-being we each are experience, and to every one of you who chose to share in this celebration with us!

Cheers, and Happy Hanukkah!

Another example for Christmas is:

Today we are here to celebrate Christmas!

Christmas is a time to think about new beginnings, our perspective, and the way we treat others.

So, here is to a new year nearly upon us and a great one to remember, a belief in ourselves, and to being kind to others throughout the year!

Thank you for joining us, and Merry Christmas!

Similarly, for New Year's, you have:

Tonight is the last night of 2011!

2011 has been a year of more ups than downs, one of much news, and a time we will all remember.

Here’s to all of our fond memories together, to making our news “good news”, and to making more memories with one another.

Cheers to closing out 2011, and to welcoming in 2012!!

Whether you toast with “Cheers”, or you make your toast part of a bigger ACT, here’s to you, and safe, enjoyable celebrations this holiday season!

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