Monday, September 30, 2019

Being Your Own Biggest Fan!

"Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy."
 ~ Norman Vincent Peale 
American Clergyman/Speaker.
(1898 - 1993)

Sure, it's great to get kudos, thanks, and accolades for work or words well-done, and yet relying on others' views and shared opinions of you can leave you feeling dependent, or worse yet, desperate, for that feedback.

How do we overcome that desire to get input and hear praise? While we may not ever not seek feedback, after all, it is good for us, we can share insights and good cheer from within in an effort to support and supplement, and dare to be the foundation, to good vibes, and therefore, good self-esteem. Being our own biggest fan can be done without conceit or vanity, rather for good health and well being by doing the following:

Practicing GRATITUDE. By being thankful for what we have we are reminding ourselves of the good in our world/life.
Taking a POWER STANCE each day. These were shared most widely in the Ted Talk by Amy Cuddy. Opening up to a Superman/Wonder Woman type stance for two minutes can empower our energy to be confident.
Have a MANTRA. I have the mantra "I want, I will, I am", which has been shared in previous updates. Think "I want _____ (a desired outcome), and I will _____ (an action to take), because I am _______ (characteristic or attribute about self)." An example is "I want to be on time for meetings and clients today, so I will tend to my directions for the entire day while planning, because I am a conscientious collaborator and partner." A mantra sets you up to "be" based on your own abilities.
Give yourself a PERSONAL PEP TALK. Something that says "You've got this!". Talk to yourself and use your name. Once I share to myself if "You've got this, Deb. You know what you are doing, prepared for success, and you're going to deliver what the audience wants and deserves. Enjoy it!"
Develop a CEO of MEO mission statement, meaning be the Chief Empowerment Officer of My Every Opportunity. My current CEO of MEO is: "I am a lean, pristine, high-performing human being bringing positivity to people, situations and choices in order to be present and live life fully"! This form of I AM statement commands attention from the strengths you have toward the now and the future.
Write your future state in a paragraph as though it is an article about you now. Use third person to take a view from afar while getting into up-close details.
Meditate and let go of stress that is not serving you well.
Shift from poor-serving habits with well-serving habits. Simply giving things up can seem like punishment, so exchange those habits with something positive and see how the pivot makes the change a direction and not detrimental.
Replace "Have to, Need to, Should, Ought to" with "I want, I will, I am, I am in the process of" to focus on what you are processing for progress rather than what you are doing our of obligation.
Write a compliment on your bathroom mirror to yourself each morning first thing so that you'll see it all day long and appreciate you being you!

Some things may seem small, and they are. Some things may seem simple, and they are. Some things may seem silly, and they are NOT! Investing in your belief, reflection, support and confidence is anything other than silly, and everything around smart!

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

BEAM Support of/to Others

While being self-assured is tremendously important, support of others is as well.

When you want to share that, consider BEAMing that support through these four things/approaches:

B - Belief
E - Empathy
A - Awareness
M - Mindfulness

Sharing belief, expressing empathy, having awareness of what may be challenges and goals, and being mindful of any obstacles and others involved will allow you to be supportive without manipulating, and encouraging without managing.

A way to BEAM is "Tom, because you thrive in front of a group, and I believe in your abilities to persuade, you will impact so many at this conference by telling your story and asking for support of our product. The Board and I look forward to your keynote!

BEAM away, as shining light on others takes none away from you, and perhaps brightens theirs!!