Thursday, April 30, 2015

Quick Tip - Presentation Pump-up

One of the most common questions I get asked is "What are some quick ways to improve my presentation skills?" While there are many, here are the four I share most often because they have the highest impact in the least amount of time:

Get out of your own way. It's not about you, your day, that you "have to" present, or anything else "you". Put the audience first. Decide the audience deserves the best, focus on them, and watch the shift!

To stop the "um" and "ah" habit, simple shut your mouth fully. When our mouths are closed, we cannot have utterances slip out through our teeth and tongue. As simple, and perhaps strange, as it may sound, shutting our mouths now makes for more effective talking later.

Know that nerves show you care. Channel nerves into energy by welcoming them rather than fighting them. Resist saying "I'm really nervous", or allowing a shaking voice to distract you. Those who are not nervous at all may not care at all. Your nerves are your friend, so call on them for energy conversion!

If you are physically shaking or shaky, touch something (not someone!), and allow some of that shake, or that frenetic energy to channel elsewhere. If there is a podium, come to the side and lean slightly on it. If there is a chair, grip the back of it. If there is a table, put your hand down on it. That allowing for the energy to focus will allow you to stay on task and on focus, too! 

These quick tips will pump-up your presentations while keep you grounded in making an impression that is memorable for all the right reasons!

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