Friday, January 14, 2022

Lessons Learned: Years of Board Service

"The end of all knowledge should be service to others."

~ Cesar Chavez

Having served on many boards over the past 15+ years of my practice, and a few prior to starting Presenting Powerfully, those hours, days, months, and years of service have taught me a few things!

Here are some lessons learned:

  1. If you invite someone to join a board, include the year's meetings, time commitment, and what options for participation and expectations of time and contribution of money or other resources expected in the initial ask. If you are asked without these points of reference, ask for them prior to making a commitment in order to keep positive about the experience or about turning it down if there's not a fit.
  2. Please use the words "serve on a board" not "sit on a board". When you are a part of a board, you are there to serve, not sit, so where this expression came from, I don't know! Let's get rid of it, okay? With that, let's start thanking people for volunteering their time and expertise when something is announced about someone being a part of a board. I am not looking for kudos, rather we often say "Congratulations", and that may be the case to celebrate the announcement AND it is good to share gratitude for someone fitting another priority in their world.
  3. When you are on a board, do not assume it has to be the role that you do for work. Often a banker is on a board and they are immediately put on the finance committee, and that may work for them, or being on a board can be a way to share expertise AND learn new skills, too. You may want to expand your experience and opportunities by joining committees that stretch your capabilities.
  4. Welcome new members and exit gracefully. Give people insights into how the board works/runs without gossiping or attempting to direct someone based solely on your experience. Serve your time with vigor and be consistent. When you are done, skip the critique or "Monday Morning Quarterbacking", and keep in touch, retain relationships, and ensure the friendships you forged go beyond the board room into your life's experience!

By following these learnings, you can enjoy your time and your growth as you resist overcommitting and stay productive in your board service!

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