Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Lessons Learned from a Decade of Service

It was a dedicated decade in which I was grateful to serve, and do not regret for one day...

During the 10+ years being involved with our local military installation, much was experienced, and many things were learned.

Whether on base or off base, with/through military or civilians, it was memorable in many fabulous well as in others. Nonetheless, such volunteerism is all about impact and outcomes, and I am honored to have shared and also glad to have resigned from my post. Through it all, here are a few lessons learned:

Supporting our military does not mean you agree with everything happening in the government or even in the military or a branch thereof. If you do not support our military, you absolutely have that right, it simply isn't right for me not to think and feel "Thank you for your service" every time I see/meet someone who serves our country.

There is a huge difference between learning leadership and learning followership. And the lack of speaking up or reaching out implies you are complicit. Speaking up only for your benefit is self-absorbed. Speaking up for what is best for the situation and/or to right a wrong, is part of true leadership!

Some people serve those who serve to be grateful and give back, while others get connected to the military through the community to get attention and give themselves (and others) a sense of them being good people. Learn the difference and rely solely on the former!

No matter what happens, and how wonderful things can seem or be, there is a time to leave and let the next generation of people have opportunities. Leave while you are still having fun or while the fun memories are still fresh so someone else can have the spot and make the most of it as you did!

So, when you accept an honor, honor that bestowment, yes, and also, importantly honor yourself and your standards...if it is for the military, a chamber, or other community groups, a paid or unpaid role, and do so if you have been there a year, a term, or a decade!

#ProfessionalDevelopment #PersonalDevelopment #ThankYouForYourService

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