Sunday, January 29, 2023

Achieving Success!

"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other." 

~ Abraham Lincoln

Success is often an aspiration, an inspiration, a dream, and a goal.

So, what is a success, and how do you get to "it"?

In order to enjoy and experience your success, please consider the following for getting "there":

1) Define what success is for you - not for others, not those who are mentoring, coaching, or even supporting you - simply for you! What does that look like, feel like, and more? You want to have that sense and focus first so you can move ahead.

2) Be mindful of imposter syndrome, which is believing that others will realize you are not as good as you present yourself. The way to overcome that is to stop comparing yourself to others and really own your experience and expertise for the value you bring.

3) Be happy for other successful people, SINCERELY, and not simply in words or posts - SINCERELY - no gossiping or jealousy of others. At the same time don't apologize for being smart, right or passionate about a topic.

4) Surround yourself with successful people AND continue to learn and grow both humbly and proudly! Often we hear we become the 5-6 people we surround ourselves with - and it is true, so choose wisely, and if you distance yourself from someone, remember, what they do may be successful for them, just doesn't for you at that time. Stay away from judging them, and be open to them changing, as they may be inspired by you, OR they may be defensive, and simply wish them well.

None of this will distract you or take away for your enjoyment in life and business, rather it will all buoy you up to experience all you can as you are succeeding and sharing that success with others!

#ProfessionalDevelopment #PersonalDevelopment #KIND #Leadership #1KindAct #Growth #EmotionalIntelligence #EmotionalIntelligence #PerformanceCoaching #OneBeanerPerformanceCoach #LivingKindly #KindnessIsMyOwnSuperpower #Kindness #CoachsCorner #Resilience #Resiliency #Growth #LessonsLearned #Gratitude #Coopertition

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