Monday, April 30, 2012

Feedback...To Give & Receive

"Champions know that success is inevitable; that there is no such thing as failure, only feedback. They know that the best way to forecast the future is to create it." - Michael J. Gelb , Author, Speaker (b. 1952)
To be successful, really successful personally and professionally, it is important we want to learn to give and receive feedback well...not loudly, not softly, but well! To give positive feedback, please follow this format: NAME, you are... Or NAME, you have the ability to... Or NAME, you demonstrated such... Please stop saying "I think you are...". Make it about the other person. Be specific, be brief, be bold and be about them! When giving less-than-optimal feedback, please consider it as offering improvements by using language like below: NAME, you have the opportunity to improve... And, when you state that, offer a solution versus his/her fault. Rather than saying "Debbie, you are too loud in meetings", you could say "Debbie, you have the opportunity to connect with colleagues in meetings by lowering your volume and engaging with them in a tone that is inviting". When you receive feedback, please resist discounting it ("What that? I did not think it was that good") or defending it ("They don't get me", or "That's how I am", or "That's not what I meant"). Instead, a simple "thank you" will suffice. Success is not in being perfect, a part of being a successful, thriving person, though, is being perfectly happy and grateful for feedback received, and better yet, for feedback received, and implemented...those with whom you shared feedback, and that you got as well!

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