Thursday, April 12, 2012

Give it Your ALL!

"Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you." Ralph Waldo Emerson (American Poet)
There seemingly are so many expectations we put on ourselves, and additional demands we allow others to place on us as well. In the long run, all we have is who we are and what we do, so isn't it fair to strip away expectations and demands, and instead be determined to "give it our ALL"?

By giving it your ALL, I mean really owning and enjoying, assessing and sharing your:

Appreciation - being grateful for what you have and happy for others for what they have, and bring to the table as well

Loyalty - having beliefs, knowing you have and give confidentiality, and really developing trust and dependability that is enjoyable and comforting all at once

Laughter - demonstrating the real you, and even laughing at yourself and with others with humor and humility, pride and presence

When you are willing and able to give your ALL, you are in a position to truly experience and engage in ALL that is important to you, for you! So let go of some of those burdensome expectations and demands and replace them with desire and engagement so not only are you giving your ALL, you can get your ALL!!

1 comment:

Transform Your Business said...

Many thanks for sharing such a wonderful information with us ....I like the way you describe the post